Is your company or business department looking for a hands-on activity to help engage your team and bring them together? Maybe to build confidence in your people, improve communication or inspire leadership in others?
Prior to becoming a full-time drummer and educator, Matt was a successful training and learning development manager, his corporate career culminating with a global position with a international company. This professional background puts Matt in a unique position to offer greater insight into business and build objective based activities to offer and facilitate with your people, whilst empathising with the daily pressures of business life.
Using the drum set and percussion as a metaphor and the application of the thought processes applied by professional musicians, Matt seeks to engage your people with fun, inclusive drumming activities. These can be tailored to your needs and the specific objectives and messages you seek to deliver. This could include communication, team coordination and mindfulness, or simply a fun session hitting drums for some stress relief!
Email Matt via the contact page to find out more and discuss the specifics of your needs.